Wednesday, June 29, 2011

State Sponsorship Denied!

After almost 4  months of waiting, we finally received the email decision from Victoria.

And it was BAD news! :(
The email went on like this:

Dear _______,

Thank you for your application for Victorian Government sponsorship under the 176 - Sponsored visa scheme.

Following a review of the information you have provided to the Skilled and Business Migration Program, we regret to inform you that the Victorian Government is not in a position to sponsor you under the 176 - Sponsored visa scheme.

Under the Victorian Government’s program, sponsorship is offered to skilled migrants whose skills and experience are in high demand in the Victorian labour market at the time of assessment. High demand may mean those skilled migrants whose skill sets are hard to come by or are rare and unusual.

During the assessment process the Victorian Government consults with industry representatives in Victoria to determine the demand for an applicant’s qualifications, skills and experience, and whether they have high prospects for employment in their field.

All decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

While your occupation meets the eligibility criteria to be considered for state sponsorship, there is not sufficiently high demand for your skills and experience to offer sponsorship at this time.
Refer to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) website for alternative visa pathways:

So that was it!

We really felt bad, but we have to proceed to plan B now since we can no longer qualify for the 176 visa.

Plan B is to apply for 175 visa following the post July 1 guidelines.

So til here for now, will post details soon.

Cheers mate!

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